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panic symptoms
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Panic Symptoms - How To Spot Panic Attacks Symptoms
Panic symptoms were all important thousands of years ago when mankind lived in primitive settlements, having anxiety was all important as it increased adrenalin levels and aided in basic survival. When anxiety stress is present, the human body reacts by increasing the speed of the heart beat and raises blood pressure which helps the survival response. Unfortunately, in modern society these responses are unwelcome.

Panic symptoms develop in two quite separate areas of the brain - the amygdala and the hippocampus. If stress is at reasonable levels then the body is said to be in a normal state and this state does not have adverse effects on the body in a modern society. The problem arises when panic symptoms become excessive which then leads to health issues.

The first stage of panic symptoms can be simple depression. This can develop in two main forms. The first is called agitated depression which is the most common form which has noticeable panic symptoms. The second is called akathitic depression which does not have any noticeable panic symptoms. These conditions usually start with a person having a phobia. An irrational view of everyday objects or events can lead to a raised level of irrational fear.

Some key indicators of agitated depression include irregular sleep patterns, breathing problems, dizziness, and a more definite sense of doom and a fear of death. The common treatment among modern medical science is to prescribe antidepressants but they can have negative effects and a natural or holistic way should be preferred wherever possible. Treatment greatly helps to find the root causes of the problem and eventually leads to finding a way of dealing with them.

Depression is certainly a complex condition, but it has been demonstrated that panic symptoms are a key factor in a lot of cases. It is therefore important to bear the connection between depression and panic symptoms in mind when deciding on treatment.

panic anxiety attacks

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panic attacks symptoms

anxiety attacks symptoms

Posted by panicsymptoms at 12:56 PM EDT

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